Here’s How Injuries Happen In An Office

Personal Injury Lawyers

The unfortunate truth is that despite working in a white collar environment, you can still experience workplace injuries – and they’re sometimes serious. While most people assume that workers’ compensation is just for employees in dangerous work environments such as construction, warehouses, and factories, the humble office can cause plenty of pain and suffering.

As a workers compensation lawyer like our friends at Rispoli & Borneo P.C. can explain, just because you’re working in an office doesn’t mean you’ll be safe from harm. Read on to learn more about how workers’ compensation can help if you’ve been injured in the office, and see how the right lawyer can help you get the financial coverage you need.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Do you work at a computer for most of the day? Carpal tunnel is a very real risk. It’s caused by constant pressure on the underside of your wrists, and the compression of your nerves can lead to pain and a lack of mobility. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common injuries experienced in a white collar workplace, and it can be easily prevented with proper ergonomics.

What is a Slip and Fall?

Slip and falls can happen anywhere. After all, they’re exactly what they sound like. A slip and fall is any kind of slip or trip that can cause injury. Spilled coffee on the break room tile? Low-hung wires and cables? Icy steps out front? These are all potential causes of a slip and fall injury, and you deserve compensation if it happens to you. Sadly, not everyone reports these minor accidents.

Why Don’t People Report Their Injuries?

Every workplace is different. At some offices, employees may feel free to communicate their injuries – no matter how minor or embarrassing they may be. Unfortunately, this isn’t universal. Some workplaces foster a toxic environment, in which employees are too intimidated or ashamed to report their injuries. This is unacceptable, especially when workers’ compensation hangs in the balance.

Why Do I Need Workers’ Compensation?

When you’ve been injured on the job, chances are you can’t clock in and carry on like business as usual – and you’ll need to pay for your medical bills one way or another. Rather than letting your debts and regular payments drown you during your recovery, you can file a workers’ compensation claim to keep yourself afloat. Workers’ comp can cover the costs of your medical care, and it can also partially compensate you for lost wages.

Do I Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer?

Workers’ compensation is tricky. It may seem like free money on the surface, but it’s actually far from the free ride people expect. Paperwork needs to be filed, signatures need to be collected, and communication between yourself, your employer, and your medical team needs to be open and clear.

It can be a headache dealing with all the steps associated with your workers’ comp claim, and in some cases you may feel that your workers’ comp payout is inadequate considering the extent of your injuries. Fortunately, a workers’ compensation lawyer can help you battle back and get the compensation you deserve – minus the headache.

Get in touch with a workers’ compensation lawyer today to see how the right legal team can walk you through your claim.