Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Las Vegas, NV

Your Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Improving the Strength of Your Accident Claim

The Law Office of Eglet Adams, a motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, NV is likely to recommend that victims do not post about their accident on social media. In today’s society, most people share much of their daily and personal lives on social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. While these sites certainly have their benefits and purposes, our Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer highly advises against talking about your motorcycle accident online.

Posting information about your life can be a wonderful way to share with loved ones, but even total strangers can access these posts. It is important to remember that while your injury case is proceeding forward, you want to be very cautious about what you say online, as it could be used against you by the defense.

Fighting For Compensation

The Law Office of Eglet Adams provides a Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer who has assisted many members of the community by negotiating substantial settlements with the at-fault party’s insurance carrier. As a general rule, the more serious the injury, the higher the victim’s damages, and the more likely the carrier will deny the claim or offer an unfair settlement. In these scenarios, we can fight aggressively for the rights of clients to receive the maximum payout possible.

Our motorcycle accident lawyer based in Las Vegas, Nevada uses every resource available to us when representing clients. In addition, there are ways in which clients can strengthen their case by following simple guidelines as to what they should or should not do prior to receiving a settlement. When you work with a Nevada motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, you will be guided through the process so you know what to expect and what not to do. In the meantime, consider these general tips:

Do Not Post Updates On Your Social Media Accounts Until After Your Claim is Resolved

What may seem like an offhand comment or a funny photograph could be intentionally misconstrued by the insurance carrier and used as a reason to deny the injury claim. In order to safeguard your claim, our Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer stresses the importance of refraining from posting accident details on social media. Don’t trust the privacy settings of your social media accounts to protect you in this way as they can be circumvented in several ways by a determined private investigator.

A Social Media Misinterpretation Can Ruin Your Claim

Let’s say you filed a lawsuit against the driver who hit you while riding a motorcycle, and claim that you having to use a wheelchair as you recover from broken bones in both your legs. If you post a photograph or statement that indirectly can cast doubt into your claims, then you could ruin your chances at receiving compensation.

So, during this time while healing your broken bones, a motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, NV suggests not posting a photograph of you out at an amusement park or casually running errands. The opposition may try to minimize the severity of your injuries and question why you were able to do all these activities while supposedly recovering from very painful damage to your legs. Even if it isn’t directly talking about your injuries, a post could be misinterpreted and ruin your case.

Information Will Be Used To Your Disadvantage

You can almost guarantee that as your case is being handled, the opposition will be looking for information that can be used against you. By law, both insurance companies and defense counsel can demand access to social media accounts as a way to gather information related to their case, such as photographs, conversations, check-ins, and videos. There may be only so much that a Las Vegas, Nevada motorcycle accident lawyer from The Law Office of Eglet Adams can do when the opposition is making requests like this that they are entitled to demand.

To avoid jeopardizing your case, just step away from any public outlets until it has concluded. Anything you post can be used to your disadvantage and in an attempt to raise questions about the legitimacy of your claim. It is also unethical for our Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer to ask that you take these posts down as your claim is being handled, as it could be viewed as destruction of evidence.

Save All Receipts Related to the Damages You Suffered from the Accident

Hard copy evidence to support the itemized damages listed by your Las Vegas, NV lawyer for motorcycle accidents will go a long way towards helping you to receive compensation for all that you have suffered. This includes:

  • Parking and tolls during visits to the doctor’s office.
  • The rental fee for crutches, a wheelchair, a shower bench, or other medical devices that you need during your recovery time.
  • Prescription medication costs as well as over-the-counter medication costs.
  • Cab, Uber, or bus fare if you are relying on alternate transportation while your vehicle is in the shop being repaired or replaced after the accident.
  • The costs associated with modifying your home, as needed, in order to enable wheelchair or other mobility related access in response to your injury. Examples our Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyers have seen include: the installation of wheelchair ramps, safety handrails installed in the bathtub and toilet areas, kitchen cabinets and countertops lowered, mechanized stair climber, etc.
  • Cost for therapeutic massage to treat your body in response to your injury from the accident.

Can Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer at The Law Office of Eglet Adams, help me identify which of my damages are recoverable?

Absolutely. When we represent an injury client, one of the priorities is to determine which of their damages are compensable, and documenting these costs in the claim. Motorcycle accident claims can get complicated and confusing. That is why we suggest getting legal guidance during this time, especially so you don’t accidentally ruin your claim. For more information about how our firm can be an asset during your case, please call a Las Vegas motorcycle accident lawyer in NV at The Law Office of Eglet Adams today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Common Myths About Motorcycle Accidents

Although riding on a motorcycle can be a lot of fun, it can also present greater dangers. Motorcycles are much smaller than cars and don’t enclose riders in a box of metal. Motorcycle riders are much more likely to suffer life-threatening injuries in the event of an accident. That’s why it’s extra important to follow safety precautions when on a motorcycle. With that being said, here are some of the most common myths about motorcycle accidents that you shouldn’t believe. If you have any further questions, please call a Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Other Drivers Always See Motorcyclists

This just isn’t true. If you’re riding a motorcycle, never assume that other motorists see you. Motorcycles are small, so they aren’t always visible to other drivers. To protect your safety, stay out of other vehicles’ blind spots, keep a safe distance from other vehicles and wear bright clothing.

Motorcycle Accidents Are Usually Caused By Motorcyclists

Many people are under the false assumption that motorcyclists cause the majority of motorcycle accidents. While some motorcyclists can be careless and cause accidents, not all of them are this way. Many times, drivers in larger vehicles neglect to check their blindspots for motorcyclists or cut in front of them at left-hand turns.

Wearing a Helmet Reduces the Ability to See and Hear

Some motorcyclists neglect to wear a helmet because they believe it will make it more difficult for them to see and hear what’s around them. The truth is, however, that helmets can actually help you see and hear better. The visors decrease glare and debris, which can affect your vision. Helmets also help reduce some of the noise created by riding, helping you hear other sounds, like cars honking. It should also be noted that, depending on the state, if you do have an accident and were not wearing a helmet, your ability to recover compensation could be hindered. A Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer can help you to understand whether this is true for your own case.

Laying a Motorcycle Down Is the Best Way to Avoid a Crash

This is another common myth about motorcycle accidents. If you anticipate that you may get into an accident, try your best to avoid the crash. If you can’t do that, stay upright as long as you can to slow the motorcycle down. As a motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, NV might explain to you, if you’re going very fast at the point of a crash, you’re more likely to suffer serious injuries.

Hiring a Las Vegas, NV Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Is Too Expensive

Some motorcyclists who have been in an accident don’t hire a lawyer because they think they can’t afford it. However, the majority of motorcycle accident lawyers in Las Vegas, Nevada work on a contingency basis. That means that you don’t have to pay your lawyer any fees until they have recovered compensation for you. Then, he or she will take a percentage of your winnings.

If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you should speak to a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. You may be entitled to compensation. A skilled motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, NV can help you get justice and protect your legal rights.

Las Vegas Motorcycle Accident Infographic

Five myths about motorcycle accidents Infographic


I Lost a Limb in a Motorcycle Accident, Should I Call a Lawyer?

Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyers at The Law Office of Eglet Adams will tell you that every time a motorcyclist drives on the roads, they face the risk of being involved in an accident. While one could assume this risk in any type of vehicle, the chances of sustaining greater injuries on a motorcycle are much higher. According to the NHTSA, at least 80% of all accidents involving motorcycles, big bikes, sports bikes, or mopeds result in injuries or fatalities, in comparison to just 20% of car accidents.

Motorcyclists lack any protection, such as walls, and must rely on helmets or protective clothing; however, these are not always able to prevent an injury. Our Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer has seen the devastating repercussions that are often produced from motorcycle accidents. An impact to a car, road object, or the road itself can result in serious injuries. In some cases, motorcycle accidents can result in the loss of a limb caused by either the blunt force of the collision or an amputation. As a motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas, NV, we have handled many cases that involve a loss of limb(s). In general, these cases are worth more; therefore, if you lost a limb to a motorcycle accident, it’s important that you call The Law Office of Eglet Adams a call right away.

Trauma Due to Blunt Force

When the rider of a motorcycle comes into direct contact with an object or the road, the trauma could be so severe that it separates a limb from the body. Crashes that included high speeds or reckless driving, such as those involving sports bikes, often involve this scenario. Injuries like these are life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. As a result, it’s certainly in your best interest to contact a Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer, as your life will be forever changed. Recovery can take months and will include the need for the rider to readjust to life without a limb.

Amputation at a Hospital

Sometimes a motorcycle accident victim will be admitted to the hospital with an injury to a limb that is so serious, it can not be saved by medical staff. In this case, doctors may choose to remove the limb to save the life of the rider. Often, the limb will need to be reshaped and prepared for a prosthetic limb. Usually, this will take multiple operations and months of physical therapy.

Recovering from a Loss of Limb

Our motorcycle accident lawyers in Las Vegas, NV know that losing a limb can be emotionally devastating and physically challenging. Often, the victim will require several months of healing after weeks in the hospital. Complications that could arise, include infection, sepsis, or bleeding. For this reason, the patient will be under constant supervision, and may even benefit from in home care services. In addition to the physical pain and emotional anguish that can result from a loss of limb, it is not uncommon for people to experience, a little known medical condition that involves phantom pain (i.e. pain sensed in the missing limb). After such a devastating accident, you will be impacted both financially and physically, making it essential that you contact a motorcycle accident lawyer that Las Vegas, NV accident victims can trust will fight for them.

Physical therapy, long term rehabilitation, and counselling may be needed for months or years. Working at the same job could be impossible, and the ability to enjoy the same activities may be difficult. Due to the extent of loss a loss of limb injury carries, compensation is often in the six or seven figure range as long as negligence can be proven.

If you or a loved one lost a limb in a motorcycle accident, please don’t delay in getting legal advice from The Law Office of Eglet Adams, an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer serving Las Vegas, Nevada.

Answering Questions About A PI Following You Post Accident

Our Las Vegas, NV motorcycle accident lawyer knows that dealing with the aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be stressful, especially when you discover that the insurance company has hired a private investigator (PI) to follow you. Knowing what to expect and how to respond can help protect your claim and ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Attorney Tracy Eglet is a founding partner of Eglet Adams and is dedicated to helping clients like you with motorcycle accident claims. 

Why Did The Insurance Company Hire A Private Investigator? 

Insurance companies often hire private investigators to monitor claimants and gather evidence that might minimize their claims. They might suspect that your injuries are not as severe as reported or that you’re not adhering to your medical restrictions. The goal is to find any inconsistencies that could justify reducing or denying your claim. We understand these tactics and can guide you on how to maintain your credibility and protect your claim.

What Should I Do If I Notice A PI Following Me? 

If you notice a private investigator following you, it’s important to stay calm and act prudently. Continue your daily activities as per your doctor’s advice, avoiding anything that could be interpreted as exaggerating your abilities. Avoid confrontations or attempts to evade the investigator, as this could appear suspicious. Document any unusual activities, noting the dates, times, and descriptions of the person or vehicle. This information could be valuable if the surveillance crosses legal boundaries.

How Can I Protect My Privacy During This Time? 

Our NV motorcycle accident lawyer knows protecting your privacy involves being mindful of your actions and what you share publicly. Ensure that your social media accounts are private and avoid posting updates that could be misinterpreted. Even seemingly innocuous posts can be taken out of context and used against you. Discuss your activities and any social media use with your attorney to ensure you’re not inadvertently jeopardizing your claim. We can offer specific advice on how to manage your privacy effectively during this period.

Can The PI’s Findings Be Used To Deny My Claim? 

Yes, the findings from a private investigator can be used to challenge your claim. If the PI gathers evidence that contradicts your reported injuries or activities, the insurance company may use it to argue that your claim is exaggerated or fraudulent. This could lead to a reduced settlement or even a denial. Ensuring that your actions and statements are consistent with your injury claims is crucial. We can help you prepare for this scrutiny and respond appropriately to any challenges.

How Can An Attorney Help If A PI Is Involved? 

An attorney can provide essential guidance and support if a private investigator is involved in your case. We can help you understand your rights and ensure that the surveillance does not overstep legal boundaries. Additionally, we can communicate with the insurance company on your behalf, protecting your interests and advocating for your rightful compensation. We have extensive experience dealing with these situations and can help you navigate the complexities of your motorcycle accident claim.

Finding Legal Help

Understanding that a private investigator might be following you after a motorcycle accident can be unsettling, but knowing how to respond can make a significant difference. Stay informed, act prudently, and seek professional advice to protect your claim. For personalized assistance and to ensure your rights are upheld, contact Eglet Adams. Attorney Robert Adams is the most sought-after trial attorney in Nevada and can help with your case. Our dedicated team is here to help you through every step of your claim and secure the compensation you deserve. Speak with our motorcycle accident lawyer in Las Vegas today. 

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