Eglet Adams Files Complaint Against Comedy on Deck Tours and its Employee Driver due to Catastrophic Collision

On January 28, 2021, The Law Firm of Eglet Adams filed a complaint against Comedy on Deck Tours and its employee driver on behalf of Eddie Junior Blocker and Sandra Jean McDougal.

The complaint was filed due to a catastrophic collision that occurred when a tour bus operated by Comedy on Deck Tours was traveling from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon on January 22, 2021, in which their driver’s negligence caused the tour bus to roll and land on its side, causing a fatality and severe injuries to the passengers on board.

The Plaintiffs allege that due to Comedy on Deck and its driver’s negligence, the Plaintiffs involved in the collision sustained personal injuries which may be permanent and disabling and require medical treatment.

Furthermore, the complaint alleges that as a direct and proximate cause of the Defendants’ negligence, the Plaintiffs suffered loss of enjoyment of life, limited recreational activities, a loss of earning capacity and wages and loss of future household services.

The complaint brings forth six causes of action against Comedy on Deck Tours and its driver, these include:

  1. Negligence Against the Defendant Driver
  2. Negligence Per Se Against the Defendant Driver
  3. Negligent Entrustment of Vehicle Against Defendant Comedy on Deck
  4. Vicarious Liability/Respondeat Superior Against Defendant Comedy on Deck
  5. Negligent Hiring, Training, Retention, and Supervision Against Defendant Comedy on Deck
  6. Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress Against all Defendants

The suit seeks general, compensatory, special, and punitive damages as well as medical and incidental expenses and damages for past and future pain, suffering, mental anguish and loss of enjoyment of life.


View the Complaint Here


Amended Complaint Filed on 2/19/21